It's the journey not the destination

I love telling stories and describing events in a way that helps to understand a little more about ourselves and why we do what we do.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Just 90 Days to Change the Habits of a Lifetime

Over the last 3 months I have been undergoing a bit of a lifestyle change.  I was overweight, lacking I energy and starting to lose direction.  Three months later and all that has changed.  The gym where I train – yes I really do enjoy  going to the gym now – asked my to write my story, which I duly did.  It’s a personal story, but one that I thought would make an interesting blog around motivation and engagement, as the parallels are there.  Here it is,  if you are in the position I found myself, I hope this helps you take the first step to a better place. 

Just 90 Days to Change the Habits of a Lifetime.

As someone who used to play sport to a high level, you’d think I’d know how to take care of my body.  Wrong.  30 years ago I was pretty good squash player, but pressures of work and life meant I’d stopped playing or doing any other exercise come to that.  I never ate breakfast and often skipped lunch - too busy to eat!  My one and only meal of the day was dinner and I crammed a whole days worth of eating into a single meal.  To top all that off I had a bad habit of eating the kid’s meals.  My parents drummed into me “if you don't’ clear your plate they’ll be no pudding.” Not wanting to subject my kids to the same ordeal, I would eat their leftovers.  Not so bad when its baby food, but burgers and chips is another matter!

To try and get into some sort of healthier routine I’d make the annual pilgrimage to a gym, go on diets or de-toxes and sure, I’d lose some weight, but it never lasted more than a few weeks. I wasn’t happy with my weight or body shape, but didn’t know what to do about it.  At one point, I even considered surgery.

I made one last attempt at playing squash again, but just kept getting injured.  In the end I decided I was just too old and the days of being fit and healthy were over.  I sat at home watching sport and films on TV never noticing my body slowly falling apart.

Then, one day, an email popped into my inbox offering a 12 week get fit programme.  I don’t really know what made me join up, maybe it was the £30 offer or perhaps it was the idea of doing something in a group.  Whatever it was, I’ll never be more grateful that I made the call. Life changing is a phrase that gets bandied around a lot, but over the last few weeks, my life has changed. I’ve not won the lottery, but money couldn’t have done what I’ve done for myself.

What changed my life?  It’s been a combination of things but a few stand out.

  • Knowing what I wanted
At the first session we were all asked to write down our goals.  For the first time is sat down and thought about what I really wanted.  Instead of thinking about simply losing weight, I thought about how I’d look and feel with a different body shape.  In creating that image and sense of well being, something clicked and that has been a key driving force for me.  As my shape has changed over the weeks that vision has become stronger and pulls me forward.

  • Discovering what healthy eating really is
I knew I wasn’t eating well, but I thought I was at least eating the right things, just at the wrong time. Turns out I was so far off the mark.  What amazed me (and still does) is not so much what you can’t have, or  eat less of; its  all the lovely things you can eat.  The nutrition guide and recipe book is a firm favourite and really helped developing my new eating habits.  It has truly been a revelation and I so love morning breakfast now.  I get up earlier, with more energy and look forward to the day

  • The fitness training team

From day one and the introductory video, the team have been so supportive.  Their endless enthusiasm and commitment has transferred across to me and I don’t want to let them (or me) down.  regular communication with facts and case studies really helps my understanding and their stories are really motivating.

The weekly sessions have always been fun and nothing like my previous gym experiences.  From country walks to mud covered boot camps, the team have inspired me to push on.  The regular measure and weigh ins have also been a great source of motivation.  Regardless of the outcome, the support has been great and any change even small gets the whoop whoop.

  • Personal Training sessions

To be honest I was a bit sceptical about 1:1 training, but as with pretty much everything else I was proved wrong.  The sessions with Jonny has changed my view of gym work.  Somehow he found a way of making the sessions fun.  What also helped was being able to measure the improvements.  Every small step has added up to a big change.  I’ve even started going to the gym and training on my own.  Just writing this is making me want to go.  That’s what I call a result!

A funny thing happened to me the other day.  I clutched my arm for some reason and was a bit surprised to find a lump.  It was a muscle! - I’d forgotten I had them. It showed me that what I had been doing for only a few weeks was making a noticeable difference.  People who haven’t seen me for a while feel compelled to tell me how well I look and want to know how I’ve done it. I tell then I eat more – just differently.  I’ve become a bit of a nutrition nerd and that's not a bad thing.  I’ve learnt that when you put rubbish in, you get rubbish out.  The thing you need to know is what rubbish looks like.  Fat is your friend!  Really.  Give it a go, I know it works.